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Typefaces classified according to their suitability for particular applications.


Books (51)
Typefaces ideal for setting continuous text in books such as paperback novels.

Business Cards (7)
Engravers Bold Face
Fonts ideal for use on business cards.

Children (46)
EF Monster
Playful or fun fonts for kids.

Circus (14)
Iraan NF
Looks like lettering used on circus posters or fairground signs.

Codes (10)
Fonts for codes, cyphers, and other writing systems.

Comic book (77)
Comic Sans
Lettering for use in comic books.

Computer games (22)
Data 70
Fonts that mimic the lettering used on early arcade games and computer games.

Corporate (31)
ITC Officina Serif
Legible typefaces ideal for corporate identities or business communication.

Correspondence (3)
FF Suhmo
Fonts with an informal appearance ideal for letters, emails, and other correspondence.

Currency (16)
Engraved lettering typical of money, banknotes, and certificates.

Disabilities (26)
Mini Pics ASL Alphabet
Fonts for helping people with disabilities.

Fantasy (24)
Typefaces ideal for fantasy fiction and role-playing games.

Games (8)
Cheq Pi
Fonts for drawing or documenting games and puzzles.

Greetings cards (17)
Hodgepodge Handlettered
Fonts ideal for use on greetings cards.

Historical scripts (14)
Fonts for printing academic or historical scripts.

Invitations (35)
Fonts ideal for both formal announcements and informal invitations.

Legibility (105)
Fonts designed for legibility in different applications.

Logos (28)
Typefaces particularly useful for creating monograms and company logos.

Machine-readable (7)
Data 70
Typefaces designed to be read by a computer, as used by banks.

Maps (14)
Fonts for creating and labelling maps.

Menus (12)
Fonts ideal for designing menus in restaurants, bars, and bistros.

Monograms (44)
Vine Monograms Solid
Fonts that allow you to create monograms.

Motoring (30)
Route 66 NF
Typefaces associated with motoring applications.

Movies (54)
Univers Light Ultra Condensed
Typefaces used on movie credits, movie posters, and DVD or video packaging.

National Typefaces (29)
Sweden Sans
Typefaces developed by countries for use by their government or for other official information.

New readers (63)
Sassoon Primary
Typefaces ideal for children's books, school use, and language teaching.

Newspapers (50)
Times New Roman
Designed for legibility at small type sizes or on poor quality paper, for use in newspapers, mazazines, and directories.

Occasions (117)
All Smiles
Fonts for festivals or special occasions.

Parties (37)
Ideal for party invitations or festive applications.

Poetry (12)
Caflisch Script
Lettering ideal for setting poetry.

Posters (28)
Neuland Black
Bold legible eye-catching typefaces for posters and headlines.

Programming (48)
B612 Mono
Fixed-width (monospaced) fonts for coding in programming editors and IDEs.

Seasonal (20)
Fonts appropriate for particular seasons or festivals.

Sportswear (38)
Player Outline Bold
Lettering typical of college and university sweatshirts and sportswear.

Titling (47)
Capitals-only typefaces designed for use in titles at very large sizes.

Websites (22)
Typefaces that work well on screen, ideal for on-line books and web sites.

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Capitals and lower-case
Comic Book Plain-Mixed Case



Cartoon titles
Movies-Cartoon Titles