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Characters are filled with shading or a pattern.


Diagonal lines (1)
Futura Black Art Deco Stripes Diagonal
Characters are filled with slanted lines.

Dots (10)
Doubledecker Dots
Characters are filled with spots or dots.

Flowers (4)
Characters are filled with flowers.

Graduated shading (9)
Characters are filled with shading that graduates from dark to light.

Horizontal lines (15)
Battista Stroke
Characters are filled or shaded with horizontal lines.

Jewels (17)
Characters are filled with diamonds or jewels.

Shading (2)
Clarendon Wide Sketch Bold
Characters are filled with shading or sketching.

Stars (11)
Neuland Star
Characters are filled with asterisks or stars.

Texture (16)
Bigband Terrazzo
Characters are filled with a texture or grain.

Vertical lines (7)
Searsucker Lined
Characters are filled or shaded with vertical lines.

Wavy lines (4)
Futura Black Art Deco Reflex Duo
Characters are filled with wavy or curved lines.

Zig-zags (12)
Falstaff Festival
Characters are filled with a zig-zag or sawtooth pattern.

Most Popular 

The most popular subcategories of Filled.

Horizontal lines
Filled-Horizontal lines

Vertical lines
Filled-Vertical lines

Graduated shading
Filled-Graduated Shading



Wavy lines
Filled-Wavy Lines