Marcin Antique

Marcin Antique is inspired by late 19th-century French types produced by the Fonderie Gustave Mayeur in Paris. The sans-serif family is a fresh interpretation of France’s long tradition of grotesque types.
The typeface looks less polished than most neo-grotesques, yet doesn’t emphasise the quirks of its vintage source material, which leaves Marcin Antique in a nice middle ground. Its characters feature only a minute modulation in contrast. 
Marcin Antique 2.0 (Jun. 2022) has new widths, additional weights and completely redrawn italics. The standard width, to which we add the Book, Semibold and Extra weights, consists now of 11 weights (plus italics). Marcin Antique Narrow shares the same number of weights but without italics, and the Condensed and X Condensed versions both have 8 weights, ranging from Thin to Black.

Marcin Antique Family — 22 styles, €520,00
Marcin Antique Narrow Family — 11 styles, €360,00
Marcin Antique Condensed Family — 8 styles, €250,00
Marcin Antique X Condensed Family — 8 styles, €250,00
Marcin Antique Collection — 49 styles, €1200,00
Marcin Antique Thin, €50,00
Type something here...

Marcin Antique Thin Italic, €50,00
Le mot utilisé pour théoriser

Marcin Antique Extralight, €50,00
Bekend voorbeeld van het

Marcin Antique Extralight Italic, €50,00
the continental philosophy

Marcin Antique Light, €50,00
Não têm utilidade até que

Marcin Antique Light Italic, €50,00
Theorie zur Beschreibung

Marcin Antique Book, €50,00
Information theory takes

Marcin Antique Book Italic, €50,00
Information theory is

Marcin Antique Regular, €50,00
Potwierdzonych przez

Marcin Antique Regular Italic, €50,00
Määriteltäessä erotetaan

Marcin Antique Medium, €50,00
References to surf riding

Marcin Antique Medium Italic, €50,00
Systems theory at times

Marcin Antique Semibold, €50,00
information encoded

Marcin Antique Semibold Italic, €50,00
Constellations and the

Marcin Antique Bold, €50,00
Monophonic microphone

Marcin Antique Bold Italic, €50,00
Common to a particular

Marcin Antique Black, €50,00
Thomas Edison refined

Marcin Antique Black Italic, €50,00
For hundreds of years

Marcin Antique Extra, €50,00
Bypassing analog

Marcin Antique Extra Italic, €50,00
Reduces uncertainty

Marcin Antique Super, €50,00
Subdivisions within

Marcin Antique Super Italic, €50,00
Synchronized surfing

Marcin Antique Narrow Thin, €50,00
A key difference between such

Marcin Antique Narrow Extralight, €50,00
It had a 6-row push-button matrix

Marcin Antique Narrow Light, €50,00
This meant that while the

Marcin Antique Narrow Book, €50,00
One of the more famous

Marcin Antique Narrow Regular, €50,00
A number of other preset

Marcin Antique Narrow Medium, €50,00
Sounds can also be

Marcin Antique Narrow Semibold, €50,00
One of the famous triplet

Marcin Antique Narrow Bold, €50,00
While a distinction is

Marcin Antique Narrow Black, €50,00
An electronic musical

Marcin Antique Narrow Extra, €50,00
Achromats were popular in

Marcin Antique Narrow Super, €50,00
Parallel rays of light from

Marcin Antique Condensed Thin, €50,00
Casting involved a widespread

Marcin Antique Condensed Extralight, €50,00
An optical telescope gathers

Marcin Antique Condensed Light, €50,00
Collecting and correlating signals

Marcin Antique Condensed Regular, €50,00
Aperture synthesis is now also being

Marcin Antique Condensed Medium, €50,00
Astronomy is not limited to using

Marcin Antique Condensed Semibold, €50,00
Since the atmosphere is opaque

Marcin Antique Condensed Bold, €50,00
Refracting telescopes typically

Marcin Antique Condensed Black, €50,00
The objective in a refracting

Marcin Antique X Condensed Thin, €50,00
These movies were originally released

Marcin Antique X Condensed Extralight, €50,00
Since there is no real consensus about

Marcin Antique X Condensed Light, €50,00
In the beginning some films mixed

Marcin Antique X Condensed Regular, €50,00
Spaghetti Westerns also began featuring

Marcin Antique X Condensed Medium, €50,00
Even though his character is not named

Marcin Antique X Condensed Semibold, €50,00
Movies that were not very successful

Marcin Antique X Condensed Bold, €50,00
The roadshow version runs for three

Marcin Antique X Condensed Black, €50,00
He also said that he would not be


OpenType Features:
Case-Sensitive Forms
Small Capitals From Capitals
All Small Capitals
Standard Ligatures
Proportional Lining Figures
Proportional Oldstyle Figures
Tabular Lining Figures
Tabular Oldstyle Figures
Stylistic Alternates


